日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20785 次

      新闻发布系统是用户用于网上查询浏览新闻的一个系统。本系统采用Eclipse   3.2、   MyEclipse   5.0   、   J2SE   5.0开发环境。本系统最大的特点就是,所有的一切都可以动态的添加、修改与删除。本系统主要包括系统管理、版面管理、新闻管理、用户管理、新闻管理。其中系统管理主要包括:系统基本信息设计、系统参数设置与系统日志管理;版面管理主要包括大类、小类与专题;它实现了新闻的分门别类,让用户可以有选择的浏览新闻。新闻管理模块不仅可以查看所有的新闻,而且还可以即时添加新闻;其中还有一个新闻审核子模块,实现对其他管理员发布的新闻进行审核,防止发布一些反党、反分裂的新闻,保证新闻信息的合法性。用户管理实现添加、修改与删除,它只对拥有最高权限的管理员开放,这样就保证了系统的安全。

News publishing system is used for online users browse a news system. The system uses Eclipse 3.2, MyEclipse 5.0, J2SE 5.0 development environment. The biggest feature is that the All these developments can add, modify and delete. The system including system management, space management, information management, user management, and information management. Management system which mainly include : basic information system design, system parameters and system log management; space management include categories, subcategories and thematic; It is the fulfillment of the news category, so that users can browse a selection of news. Information management module can not only view all the news, but can also add news immediately; Among them were a news audit module to realize the other administrators in the news audit prevent the release of some anti-party, anti-separatist news, news and information to ensure legitimacy. User management, add, modify and delete only the highest authority of the Administrator open, This will ensure the system 's security.