日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:21004 次

在研究一个NPE的stack trace的时候,发现一个方法名是access$1100,隐约感觉是一个synthesized的东西,但不知道其确切来历。在网上搜了一下,发现如下一篇文章:


There is one more category of compiler-generated members. A private member m of a class C may be used by another class D, if one class encloses the other, or if they are enclosed by a common class. Since the virtual machine does not know about this sort of grouping, the compiler creates a local protocol of access methods in C to allow D to read, write, or call the member m. These methods have names of the form access$0, access$1, etc. They are never public. Access methods are unique in that they may be added to enclosing classes, not just inner classes.
