日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:21359 次
读 | 写 | 耗用时间(秒) |
RandomAccessFile | RandomAccessFile | 95.848 |
BufferedInputStream + DataInputStream | BufferedOutputStream + DataOutputStream | 2.935 |
public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput { public final byte readByte() throws IOException { int ch = this.read(); if (ch < 0) throw new EOFException(); return (byte)(ch); } public native int read() throws IOException; public final void writeByte(int v) throws IOException { write(v); } public native void write(int b) throws IOException; }
public class BufferedInputStream extends FilterInputStream { private static int defaultBufferSize = 2048; protected byte buf[]; // 建立读缓存区 public BufferedInputStream(InputStream in, int size) { super(in); if (size <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Buffer size <= 0"); } buf = new byte[size]; } public synchronized int read() throws IOException { ensureOpen(); if (pos >= count) { fill(); if (pos >= count) return -1; } return buf[pos++] & 0xff; // 直接从BUF[]中读取 } private void fill() throws IOException { if (markpos < 0) pos = 0; /* no mark: throw away the buffer */ else if (pos >= buf.length) /* no room left in buffer */ if (markpos > 0) { /* can throw away early part of the buffer */ int sz = pos - markpos; System.arraycopy(buf, markpos, buf, 0, sz); pos = sz; markpos = 0; } else if (buf.length >= marklimit) { markpos = -1; /* buffer got too big, invalidate mark */ pos = 0; /* drop buffer contents */ } else { /* grow buffer */ int nsz = pos * 2; if (nsz > marklimit) nsz = marklimit; byte nbuf[] = new byte[nsz]; System.arraycopy(buf, 0, nbuf, 0, pos); buf = nbuf; } count = pos; int n = in.read(buf, pos, buf.length - pos); if (n > 0) count = n + pos; } }?
public class BufferedOutputStream extends FilterOutputStream { protected byte buf[]; // 建立写缓存区 public BufferedOutputStream(OutputStream out, int size) { super(out); if (size <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Buffer size <= 0"); } buf = new byte[size]; } public synchronized void write(int b) throws IOException { if (count >= buf.length) { flushBuffer(); } buf[count++] = (byte)b; // 直接从BUF[]中读取 } private void flushBuffer() throws IOException { if (count > 0) { out.write(buf, 0, count); count = 0; } } }?
可见,Buffered I/O putStream每读/写一个字节,若要操作的数据在BUF中,就直接对内存的buf[]进行读/写操作;否则从磁盘相应位置填充buf[],再直接对内存的buf[]进行读/写操作,绝大部分的读/写操作是对内存buf[]的操作。
内存存取时间单位是纳秒级(10E-9),磁盘存取时间单位是毫秒级(10E-3), 同样操作一次的开销,内存比磁盘快了百万倍。理论上可以预见,即使对内存操作上万次,花费的时间也远少对于磁盘一次I/O的开销。 显然后者是通过增加位于内存的BUF存取,减少磁盘I/O的开销,提高存取效率的,当然这样也增加了BUF控制部分的开销。从实际应用来看,存取效率提高了32倍。