日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20934 次

Apache Pig 0.10.1发布

? ? ? ?Apache Pig 0.10.1已经发布,这个版本并没有什么特性,更多的是为了稳定性以及一些bug的修正

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? ? ? ?显著变化:

? ? ? 1. 代码独立以及支持多种格式的下载.

? ? ? ? ? ? 下载地址:?http://www.fightrice.com/mirrors/apache/pig/pig-0.10.1/

? ? ? ? ? ? ?可以通过tar.gz,rpm,deb等方式下载获取

? ? ? 2. 更好的支持?Apache Hadoop 0.23.x/2.x?

? ? ? ? ? ? 从0.10.0开始,pig就已经加入了Maven仓库.你可以通过以下方式配置pom.xml来使用pig0.10.1


? ? ? ? ? ?同时Pig团队修正了Pig运行在Hadoop 0.23X/2.X版本上的一些Bug(?PIG-3035,?PIG-2783,?PIG-2761,?PIG-2912, PIG-2791)

? ? ? 3.更好的支持Oracle JDK7.0

? ? ? 4.单元测试的错误修正

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? ? ? ?具体修改如下:



PIG-2907: Publish pig jars for Hadoop2/23 to maven (rohini)


PIG-3019: Need a target in build.xml for source releases (gates)


PIG-2794: Pig test: add utils to simplify testing on Windows (jgordon via gates)


PIG-2908: Fix unit tests to work with jdk7 (rohini via dvryaboy)?


PIG-2852: Update documentation regarding parallel local mode execution (cheolsoo via jcoveney)


PIG-2712: Pig does not call OutputCommitter.abortJob() on the underlying OutputFormat (rohini via gates)


PIG-2727: PigStorage Source tagging does not need pig.splitCombination to be turned off (prkommireddi via dvryaboy)


PIG-2711: e2e harness: cache benchmark results between test runs (thw via daijy)


PIG-2680: TOBAG output schema reporting (andy schlaikjer via jcoveney)


PIG-2650: Convenience mock Loader and Storer to simplify unit testing of Pig scripts (julien)




PIG-3107: bin and autocomplete are missing in src release (daijy)


PIG-3106: Missing license header in several java file (daijy)


PIG-3099: Pig unit test fixes for TestGrunt(1), TestStore(2), TestEmptyInputDir(3) (vikram.dixit via daijy)


PIG-3035: With latest version of hadoop23 pig does not return the correct exception stack trace from backend (rohini)


PIG-2953: "which" utility does not exist on Windows (daijy)


PIG-2960: Increase the timeout for unit test (daijy)


PIG-2958: Pig tests do not appear to have a logger attached (daijy)


PIG-2942: DevTests, TestLoad has a false failure on Windows (jgordon via daijy)


PIG-2943: DevTests, Refactor Windows checks to use new Util.WINDOWS method for code health (jgordon via dvryaboy)


PIG-2801: grunt "sh" command should invoke the shell implicitly instead of calling exec directly with the command tokens

(jgordon via daijy)


PIG-2800: pig.additional.jars path separator should align with File.pathSeparator instead of being hard-coded to ":"

(jgordon via azaroth)


PIG-2798: pig streaming tests assume interpreters are auto-resolved (jgordon via daijy)


PIG-2797: Tests should not create their own file URIs through string concatenation, should use Util.generateURI

instead (jgordon via daijy)


PIG-2796: Local temporary paths are not always valid HDFS path names (jgordon via daijy)


PIG-2795: Fix test cases that generate pig scripts with "load " + pathStr to encode "\" in the path (jgordon via daijy)


PIG-2940: HBaseStorage store fails in secure cluster (cheolsoo via daijy)


PIG-2821: HBaseStorage should work with secure hbase (rohini via daijy)


PIG-2890: Rev