日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:22038 次

freesshd使用密码登陆出现access denied错误的解决方法
在window中使用freesshd开启ssh后,客户端登陆时报 access denied错误 或者 始终弹输入密码框时 检查freesshd的配置 在authentication中 将Password那项选为required 将public key选为disable,重启软件后即可



I have installed FreeSSHD recently onto my desktop computer, I think its cool to have an SSH server that allows me to run commands remotely just like in Linux. Even if it is stupid MSDOS (I would much prefer an actual emulation of the Linux command line Sad smile).

I quickly hit a problem however, it didn’t matter what I did, I could not login to the SSH Server, it would ask for my Username and Password and then tell me “Access denied”.

I found the solution, in the FreeSSHD settings go to “Authentication”, make sure “Password authentication” is set to “Required”. And set “Public key authentication” to “Disabled”.

- See more at: http://deano.me/2013/02/freesshd-ssh-login-access-denied/#sthash.fQi2Vv6Q.dpuf