日期:2014-05-17  浏览次数:20994 次

apache假死 一天停止一次 得重启才能正常访问
错误日志如下 一天多apache就会自己停止 得自己动手重启
网上查了 好像是 内存泄露 我的是windows 2008系统 没启用LMhosts查询前的勾 选项
[Thu Feb 02 17:14:51 2012] [notice] Child 5996: Process exiting because it reached MaxRequestsPerChild. Signaling the parent to restart a new child process.
[Thu Feb 02 17:14:51 2012] [notice] Parent: Received restart signal -- Restarting the server.
[Thu Feb 02 17:14:52 2012] [notice] Child 5996: Released the start mutex
[Thu Feb 02 17:14:53 2012] [notice] Child 5996: All worker threads have exited.
[Thu Feb 02 17:14:53 2012] [notice] Child 5996: Child process is exiting
[Thu Feb 02 17:14:56 2012] [notice] Apache/2.2.9 (APMServ) PHP/5.2.6 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Thu Feb 02 17:14:56 2012] [notice] Server built: Jun 13 2008 04:04:59
[Thu Feb 02 17:14:56 2012] [notice] Parent: Created child process 3120
[Thu Feb 02 17:14:57 2012] [notice] Child 3120: Child process is running
[Thu Feb 02 17:14:57 2012] [notice] Child 3120: Acquired the start mutex.
[Thu Feb 02 17:14:57 2012] [notice] Child 3120: Starting 500 worker threads.
[Thu Feb 02 17:14:57 2012] [notice] Child 3120: Starting thread to listen on port 80.
[3120] EACCELERATOR: PHP crashed on opline 0 of main() at D:\APMServ5.2.6\www\htdocs\bbs\viewthread.php:10

[Thu Feb 02 17:15:02 2012] [crit] Parent: child process exited with status 3 -- Aborting.
