日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20811 次
由于在dojo,dijit,dojox的多个组件和类中都要用到ajax功能,所以dojo就把ajax方法放到了dojo base类中。但是在操作使用ajax时他的依赖类还是要被指定的。ajax工具类被放置于dojo/_base/xhr这个模块中。下面是示例
// Require the xhr module require(["dojo/_base/xhr"], function(xhr) { // Execute a HTTP GET request xhr.get({ // The URL to request url: "get-message.php", // The method that handles the request's successful result // Handle the response any way you'd like! load: function(result) { alert("The message is: " + result); } }); });
require(["dojo/_base/xhr", "dojo/dom", "dojo/domReady!"], function(xhr, dom) { // Using xhr.get, as very little information is being sent xhr.get({ // The URL of the request url: "get-content.php", // The success callback with result from server load: function(newContent) { dom.byId("contentNode").innerHTML = newContent; }, // The error handler error: function() { // Do nothing -- keep old content there } }); });
// Local var representing the node to be updated var availabilityNode = dom.byId("availabilityNode"); // Using xhr, as very little information is being sent xhr.get({ // The URL of the request url: "check-username.php", // Allow only 2 seconds for username check timeout: 2000, // Send the username to check base on an INPUT node's value content: { username: dom.byId("usernameInput").value.toLowerCase() }, // The success callback with result from server load: function(result) { if(result == "available") { availabilityNode.innerHTML = "Username available!"; } else { availabilityNode.innerHTML = "Username taken! Please try another."; } } });
// Local var representing if the form has been sent at all var hasBeenSent = false; // Local var representing node