日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20662 次

Apache module杂记
    可以基于正则表达式修改文本内容的apache module:
mod_sed:实现了类似sed功能的module,可以通过正则表达式修改文本内容。apache2.3中加入了这个module,但是这个module也可以用于apache 2.0版本。可以到http://src.opensolaris.org/source/xref/webstack/mod_sed/下载源代码,readme里有相应的编译命令:/http安装路径/bin/apxs -i -c mod_sed.c regexp.c sed0.c sed1.c


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  /* mod_line_edit顾名思义就是对文本内容按行进行编辑,   * 因此mod要先对输出流进行整理,每一行内容收集到一个apr_bucket里,   * 然后将所有行数据放到bbline中,下面的代码实现的就是这个用途。   */  bbline = apr_brigade_create(f->r->pool, f->c->bucket_alloc) ;  /* first ensure we have no mid-line breaks that might be in the   * middle of a search string causing us to miss it!  at the same   * time we split into lines to avoid pattern-matching over big   * chunks of memory.   */  while ( b != apr_brigade_sentinel(bb) ) {    if ( !apr_bucket_is_metadata(b) ) {      if ( apr_bucket_read(b, &amp;buf, &amp;bytes, apr_block_read) == apr_success ) {	if ( bytes == 0 ) {	  apr_bucket_remove(b) ;	} else while ( bytes > 0 ) {	  switch (cfg->lineend) {	  case lineend_unix:	    le = memchr(buf, '\n', bytes) ;	    break ;	  case lineend_mac:	    le = memchr(buf, '\r', bytes) ;	    break ;	  case lineend_dos:	    /* edge-case issue: if a \r\n spans buckets it'll get missed.	     * not a problem for present purposes, but would be an issue	     * if we claimed to support pattern matching on the lineends.	     */	    found = 0 ;	    le = memchr(buf+1, '\n', bytes-1) ;	    while ( le &amp;&amp; !found ) {	      if ( le[-1] == '\r' ) {	        found = 1 ;	      } else {	        le = memchr(le+1, '\n', bytes-1 - (le+1 - buf)) ;	      }	    }	    if ( !found )	      le = 0 ;	    break;	  case lineend_any:	  case lineend_unset:	    /* edge-case notabug: if a \r\n spans buckets it'll get seen as	     * two line-ends.  it'll insert the \n as a one-byte bucket.	     */	    le_n = memchr(buf, '\n', bytes) ;	    le_r = memchr(buf, '\r', bytes) ;	    if ( le_n != null )	      if ( le_n == le_r + sizeof(char))	        le = le_n ;	      else if ( (le_r < le_n) &amp;&amp; (le_r != null) )	        le = le_r ;	      else	        le = le_n ;	    else	      le = le_r ;	    break;	  case lineend_none:	    le = 0 ;	    break;	  case lineend_custom:	    le = memchr(buf, cfg->lechar, bytes) ;	    break;	  }	  if ( le ) {	    /* found a lineend in this bucket. */	    offs = 1 + ((unsigned int)le-(unsigned int)buf) / sizeof(char) ;	    apr_bucket_split(b, offs) ;	    bytes -= offs ;	    buf += offs ;	    b1 = apr_bucket_next(b) ;	    apr_bucket_remove(b);	    /* is there any previous unterminated content ? */	    if ( !apr_brigade_empty(ctx->bbsave) ) {	      /* append this to any content waiting for a lineend */	      apr_brigade_insert_ta