日期:2014-05-17  浏览次数:20727 次

Apache Cassandra Learning Step by Step (4): Data Modeling

22 Feb 2012, by Bright Zheng (IT进行时)



1. 我发现建模是比较别扭的一件事情,尤其是你的脑子里都是RDBMS的ERD的时候;

2. 本人试图通过两者的建模过程体现思考要点,但感觉在NoSQL的建模上有点“那个”——如果不在大型项目上吃亏过或者直接受教于前辈,总感觉缺那么点味道;

3. 这篇是我写的最郁闷的一篇,而且可能后面需要无数个补丁,但管不了了,有错误才有感悟



5.?Data Modeling

Data Modeling is one of the most important things in experiencing Cassandra, especially to those who have lots of experiences with RDBMS data modeling.


By admiring Twissandra project, we name it as Jtwissandra as an example. If possible, I’ll try to create and implement it and share it in GitHub.

This is a simple example to showcase the NoSQL concepts by admiring the Twitter via Cassandra.

5.1.??Tranditional RDBMS Data Modeling

Following are the core Entities & Relationships if we’re modeling in RDBMS concepts.


Here are some pseudo codes for demonstrating the business logic/requirements:

1. Adding a new user:

USER.insert(user_id, user_name, user_password, create_timestamp);

2. Following a friend:

FRIEND.insert(user_id, followed_id, create_timestamp)

??????? as ($current_user_id, user_id, create_timestamp);

FOLLOWER.insert(user_id, follower_id, create_timestamp)

??????? as (user_id, $current_user_id, create_timestamp);

3. Tweetting:

FRIEND.insert(user_id, followed_id, create_timestamp)

???? ???as ($current_user_id, user_id, create_timestamp);

FOLLOWER.insert(user_id, follower_id, create_timestamp)

??????? as (user_id, $current_user_id, create_timestamp);