日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:21060 次


Apache中有一些类似协调职能的岗位,比如Mentor,PPMC, PMC. 对Mentor和PPMC,在Apache项目中有介绍。PMC做什么的,暂时还不清楚。


After the Podling has been accepted by the Incubator PMC, the mentor sets up the Podling; i.e. adds the podling metadata, creates the initial Podling status page, and either creates or requests that other resources (mail lists, subversion, bug tracker, etc.) be created.




Podling Project Management Committee (PPMC)

The Podling Project Management Committee (PPMC) helps a Podling learn how to govern itself. It works like a PMC but reports to the Incubator PMC instead of to the ASF Board. Initially, it is composed of the Podling's mentors and initial committers. The PPMC is directly responsible for the oversight of the podling and it also decides who to add as a PPMC member.


