日期:2008-10-15  浏览次数:20926 次


 URL           文本 (索引:有(无重复))
Title            文本
Description 文本
Summary    文本
Keywords   文本(索引:有(无重复))



<FORM METHOD="post" ACTION="doquery.ASP?act=search">
 Query: <INPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="QueryString"><BR>
 <INPUT TYPE="Submit" VALUE="Submit">

dim act
if(act="search") then
 QueryString = Request.form( "QueryString" )
 Querywords  = Split( QueryString )
 strIndent   = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"
 ' 如果搜索为空则返回
 If QueryString = "" Then
  Response.Redirect( "default.ASP" )
 End If
 Session.timeout = 2
 If IsObject(Session("sitesearch_conn")) Then
     Set conn = Session("sitesearch_conn")
     Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
     conn.open "driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};dbq=" & Server.MapPath("database/SiteSearch.mdb"),"",""
     Set Session("sitesearch_conn") = conn
 End If

 ' 查询语句
 sql = "SELECT * FROM [URLIndex] WHERE"

 sql = sql & " ( [Description] LIKE '%" & Querywords( 0 ) & "%'"   ' First
 For i = LBound( Querywords ) + 1 to UBound( Querywords )
  If Querywords( i ) <> "" and UCase( Querywords(i) ) <> "OR" and UCase( Querywords(i) ) <> "AND" Then
   If uCase( Querywords( i-1 ) ) = "OR" Then
    sql = sql & " OR [Description] LIKE '%" & Querywords( i ) & "%'"
    sql = sql & " AND [Description] LIKE '%" & Querywords( i ) & "%'"
   End If
  End If

 ' 搜索Keywords字段
 sql = sql & " ) OR ( [Keywords] LIKE '%" & Querywords( 0 ) & "%'"
 For i = LBound( Querywords ) + 1 to UBound( Querywords )
  If Querywords( i ) <> "" and UCase( Querywords(i) ) <> "OR" and UCase( Querywords(i) ) <> "AND" Then
   If uCase( Querywords( i-1 ) ) = "OR" Then
    sql = sql & " OR [Keywords] LIKE '%" & Querywords( i ) & "%'"
    sql = sql & " AND [Keywords] LIKE '%" & Querywords( i ) & "%'"
   End If
  End If

 '  搜索Title字段 
 sql = sql & " ) OR ( [Title] LIKE '%" & Querywords( 0 ) & "%'"
 For i = LBound( Querywords ) + 1 to UBound( Querywords )
  If Querywords( i ) <> "" and UCase( Querywords(i) ) <> "OR" and UCase( Querywords(i) ) <> "AND" Then
   If uCase( Querywords( i-1 ) ) = "OR" Then
    sql = sql & " OR [Title] LIKE '%" & Q