日期:2008-10-19  浏览次数:21450 次

</head><body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">

<Form action = "iskeywordRespond.ASP" method="get">
Choose The word You Want to Search For::<p>
Search word: <Input NAME="Keyword" size ="30"><br>
<Input type="submit" value="Find The Documents!">
The iskeywordrespond.ASP looks like this:
Set objQuery = Server.CreateObject("ixsso.query")
Set objUtil = Server.CreateObject("ixsso.util")


' keyword search
myquery=myquery & "$contents " & my_keyword

' Exclude specific folders
<!--#include virtual="/search/exclude.ASP"-->

' Exclude specific filenames
myquery=myquery & " and not #filename indexmaster.ASP"
myquery=myquery & " and not #filename index.ASP"
myquery=myquery & " and not #filename indexold.ASP"

' Exclude specific extensions
myquery=myquery & " and not #filename *.|(txt|,inc|,htm|,mdb|,cnt|,class|,toc|,HTML|,CSS|)"

objQuery.Columns = "Vpath, DocTitle, Filename, Characterization, Contents,DocKeywords, Rank"
objQuery.SortBy = "Rank [d]"
objQuery.MaxRecords = 50
objUtil.AddScopeToQuery objQuery, "/", "DEEP"

linebr="<br>" & vbcrlf
Set rstemp = objQuery.CreateRecordSet("nonsequential")
      DO UNTIL rstemp.eof
      FOR EACH key in rstemp.fields
         SELECT CASE keyname
            CASE "vpath"
               response.write "<a href=../../'"
               response.write key
               response.write "'>" & key & "</a>" & linebr
            CASE ELSE
               response.write "<b>" & keyname & ":</b>" & linebr
               response.write key & linebr
         END SELECT
      response.write "<br><hr>"
      ' clean up
      set rstemp=nothing
   Set objQuery = nothing
   Set objUtil = nothing