日期:2008-11-26  浏览次数:21083 次



dim ResultHTML
'Some value greater than default of 60s (According to upload size.)
'The maximum speed is about 100kB/s for IIS4, P200 and local upload, 4kB/s for modem users.
Server.ScriptTimeout = 400

If Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") = "POST" Then 'Request method must be "POST" for get the fields
' BeginTimer 'Starts timer.
 '*************************************************  Main Upload - start
  Dim Fields
'  on error resume next
  'Set upload limit to 10M
  UploadSizeLimit = 10000000

  'Gets uploaded fields
  Set Fields = GetUpload()

  'There are all of form fields in the Fields object. Example :
  'Fields("File1").ContentType - content type of File1 field
  'Fields("File1").Value - Binary value of File1 field
  ResultHTML = ""
  If Err = 0 Then 'Upload was OK
   'Write statistics about upload
   dim Field
   For Each Field In Fields.Items
    ResultHTML = ResultHTML & "
Field : <b>" & LogF(Field.name) & "</b>, Length : <b>" & LogFn(Field.Length) & "</b>, Content-Type : <b>" & LogF(Field.ContentType) & "</b>, SourceFileName :?b>" & LogF(Field.FileName) & "</b>"

   'Saves the fields to the disk, writes result to the client and writes log.
   'See utils.inc. You can change the function to save the files to another location.
   ResultHTML = ResultHTML & "<BR>" & SaveUpload(Fields, Server.MapPath("."), LogFolder)
  Else 'Error in upload. Write the error
   ResultHTML = ResultHTML & "
Error : " & Err.Description
  End If
  On Error GoTo 0
  Fields = Empty 'Clear the variable
 '*************************************************  Main Upload - end
' EndTimer 'Writes info about consumed time.
End If 'Request method must be "POST"


<%'upload.inc, contains GetUpload function, Required for upload - only the one file%>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="fupload.inc"-->
<%'utils.inc, contains SaveUpload function%>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="futils.inc"-->
<%'format.inc, contains head and Foot function, optional.%>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="fformat.inc"-->
<%=Head("Sample multiple binary files upload via ASP", "Demonstrates using of the ByteArray class for working with binary data from Request.BinaryRead.")%>

 <form method=post ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data">
  <TR BGColor=Silver><TD></TD><TD Align=Right><input type="submit" Name="Action" value="Upload the files >>"></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ColSpan=2>
   <Table Width=100% Border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><TD>
   <Div ID=files>
    File???input type="file" name="File1">

    File???input type="file" name="File2">
   <TD><TD Align=right VAlign=top>
    <A style=cursor:hand onclick=return(Expand())><Font COlor=Blue><U>add a file</U></Font></a>