日期:2008-12-23  浏览次数:21156 次

<%  Set pop3 = Server.CreateObject( "JMail.POP3" )

  pop3.Connect "username", "password", "mail.mydomain.com"

  Response.Write( "你有" & pop3.count & " 封邮件。<br><br>" )

  if pop3.count > 0 then
    Set msg = pop3.Messages.item(1)     
    ReTo = ""
    ReCC = ""
    Set Recipients = msg.Recipients
    separator = ", "
    ' 现在得到所有的收件人,并且存储
    For i = 0 To Recipients.Count - 1
        If i = Recipients.Count - 1 Then
            separator = ""
        End If
        Set re = Recipients.item(i)
        If re.ReType = 0 Then
            ReTo = ReTo & re.Name & " (<a href=""mailto:"& re.EMail &""">" & re.EMail & "</a>)" & separator
            ReCC = ReTo & re.Name & " (<a href=""mailto:"& re.EMail &""">" & re.EMail & "</a>)" & separator
        End If
    Function getAttachments()
          Set Attachments = msg.Attachments
          separator = ", "
          For i = 0 To Attachments.Count - 1
            If i = Attachments.Count - 1 Then
                separator = ""
             End If
             Set at = Attachments(i)
             at.SaveToFile( "c:\EMail\attachments\" & at.Filename )
             getAttachments = getAttachments & "<a href=../../""/EMail/attachments/" & at.Filename &""">" &_
                                 at.FileName & "(" & at.Size  & " bytes)" & "</a>" & separator
    End Function