日期:2008-12-27  浏览次数:21253 次

<%@ Language=javascript %>

<!--#include file = "include/SetGlobals.ASP"-->

<!--#include file = "include/DBPath.ASP"-->

// output relevant meta tags
Init( "Subscription" );

// output common top of page
Header( '<a href="work.ASP">Work</a> --> Subscription', 3 );

// output page content
Content ( );

// output common bottom of page
Footer( );

<% /* standard page elements */ %>
<!--#include file = "utils/Init.ASP"-->
<!--#include file = "utils/Database.ASP"-->
<!--#include file = "utils/Header.ASP"-->
<!--#include file = "utils/Footer.ASP"-->

// ============================================
// the content of this page
// ============================================
function Content ( )
   Out ( '<td width="20%">&nbsp;</td>' );
   Out ( '<td width="60%">' );
      // if the form has an email address, validate it first
      // so that if it fails we can show the form to fix
      var sEmail = "";
      var bSubmitted = (Request.Form.Count > 0);

      // has the form been submitted?
      if ( bSubmitted )
         // get the email address from the form...
          sEmail = "" + Request.Form ( "email" );

         // validate the email address and moan if it fails
         if ( !IsValidEmail ( sEmail ) )
            Out ( '<h5><font color="red">"' + sEmail + '" <i>appears</i> to be an invalid email address - please try again!</font></h5>' );
            Out ( '<p><font color="red">If you disagree, please <a href="Contact.ASP">contact me</a> directly.</font><p>' );
            // pretend the form hasn'\t been sent yet
            bSubmitted = false;

      // show the form if not submitted yet
      if ( !bSubmitted )
         Out ( 'If you\'re interested in hearing whenever a new article is posted, or an existing one is updated, type in your email address below and hit <b>Subscribe!</b>' );
         Out ( '<p>Whenever you want to stop receiving my emails, guess what? That\'s right, enter your email address and hit <b>Unsubscribe</b>...' );
         Out ( '<p><i>Your email address will never sold to or otherwise used by any third party, just me.</i>' );

         // here's the form tag. the action attribute is the name of
         // the file that will be called with the answer - in th