this.CreateMonthGrid = function(theYear, theMonth, theDay){ //refresh the month view to the date, main action is run this.setDayList() and set this.Source.value
var theTextObject = this.Source;
if (theTextObject == null){
var theName = this.Name;
var theYearObject = document.all.item(theName + "_YearList");
var theMonthObject = document.all.item(theName + "_MonthList");
var tmpYear = theYear;
var tmpMonth = theMonth;
var tmpDay = 1;
if (tmpMonth < 0){
tmpMonth = 11;
if (tmpMonth > 11){
tmpMonth = 0;
if (tmpYear < this.MinYear){
tmpYear = this.MinYear;
if (tmpYear > this.MaxYear){
tmpYear = this.MaxYear;
if (theDay < 1){
tmpDay = 1;
tmpDay = this.GetMonthDays(tmpYear, tmpMonth);
if (theDay < tmpDay){
tmpDay = theDay;
theYearObject.value = tmpYear;
theMonthObject.value = tmpMonth;
this.setDayList(tmpYear, tmpMonth, tmpDay);
theTextObject.value = this.SetDateFormat(tmpYear, tmpMonth, tmpDay);;
this.UpdateMonthGrid = function(theObject){ //run this.CreateMonthGrid() by theObject
var theTextObject = this.Source;
if (theTextObject == null){
var theName = this.Name;
var theYearObject = document.all.item(theName + "_YearList");
var theMonthObject = document.all.item(theName + "_MonthList");
var theDayObject = document.all.item(theName + "_DayList");
var tmpName ="_"));
switch (tmpName){
case "_goPreviousMonth": //go previous month button
theObject.disabled = true;
this.CreateMonthGrid(parseInt(theYearObject.value, 10), parseInt(theMonthObject.value, 10) - 1, parseInt(theDayObject.value, 10));
theObject.disabled = false;
case "_goNextMonth": //go next month button
theObject.disabled = true;
this.CreateMonthGrid(parseInt(theYearObject.value, 10), parseInt(theMonthObject.value, 10) + 1, parseInt(theDayObject.value, 10));
theObject.disabled = false;