日期:2009-06-16  浏览次数:21065 次

Option Explicit

Private MyErrObj As errorCls
Private ScriptingContext As ScriptingContext

Private request As request
Private response As response
Private server As server
Private session As session
Dim dbpath
Dim DbProvider As String

Public Sub OnStartPage(PassedScriptingContext As ScriptingContext)

Set ScriptingContext = PassedScriptingContext
Set request = ScriptingContext.request
Set response = ScriptingContext.response
Set server = ScriptingContext.server
Set session = ScriptingContext.session
Set MyErrObj = New errorCls
dbpath = server.MapPath("xx9601.mdb")

DbProvider = "dsn=xx9601;uid=;pwd="

'DbProvider = "driver={microsoft access driver (*.mdb)};dbq=" & dbpath

End Sub

Public Sub OnEndPage()

Set ScriptingContext = Nothing
Set request = Nothing
Set response = Nothing
Set server = Nothing
Set session = Nothing
Set MyErrObj = Nothing

End Sub

Private Function GetAll(adoCnn As ADODB.Connection, SCmd As String)

Dim adoRs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim arrayAdo()
Dim ivar
Dim jvar
On Error Resume Next

Set adoRs = New ADODB.Recordset

adoRs.Open SCmd, adoCnn, 3, 1

If adoCnn.Errors.Count > 0 Or adoRs.EOF Then
    GetAll = Null
    Set adoRs = Nothing
    Exit Function
End If

ReDim arrayAdo(adoRs.RecordCount - 1, adoRs.Fields.Count - 1)

For ivar = 0 To adoRs.RecordCount - 1
    For jvar = 0 To adoRs.Fields.Count - 1
        arrayAdo(ivar, jvar) = Trim(adoRs.Fields(jvar))

Set adoRs = Nothing

GetAll = arrayAdo

End Function

Public Function GetToAry(PWD As Integer, SCmd As String)

If PWD <> 9601 Then
    GetToAry = Null
    Exit Function
End If

Dim adoCnn As ADODB.Connection
Set adoCnn = New ADODB.Connection
adoCnn.Open DbProvider

GetToAry = GetAll(adoCnn, SCmd)

Set adoCnn = Nothing

End Function

Public Sub SqlexecOut(OPWD As Integer, SCmd As String)

If OPWD <> 9601 Then
    DisplayErr "密码错误!"
    Exit Sub
End If

Dim adoCnn As ADODB.Connection
Set adoCnn = New ADODB.Connection
adoCnn.Open DbProvider

SqlExec adoCnn, SCmd

Set adoCnn = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub SqlExec(adoCnn As ADODB.Connection, SCmd As String)

adoCnn.Execute SCmd

End Sub

Private Sub DisplayErr(errmsg As String)

Dim MyErrObj As errorCls

Set MyErrObj = New errorCls

MyErrObj.DisplayErr errmsg, response

End Sub