日期:2009-06-22  浏览次数:21348 次

FormatNumber(Expression, NumDigitsAfterDecimal, IncludeLeadingDigit,
             UseParensForNegativeNumbers, GroupDigits)


function FormatNumber(num,decimalNum,bolLeadingZero,bolParens,bolCommas)
        NUM - the number to format
        decimalNum - the number of decimal places to format the number to
        bolLeadingZero - true / false - display a leading zero for
                                        numbers between -1 and 1
        bolParens - true / false - use parenthesis around negative numbers
        bolCommas - put commas as number separators.

        The formatted number!
        if (isNaN(parseInt(num))) return "NaN";

    var tmpNum = num;
    var iSign = num < 0 ? -1 : 1;        // Get sign of number
    // Adjust number so only the specified number of numbers after
    // the decimal point are shown.
    tmpNum *= Math.pow(10,decimalNum);
    tmpNum = Math.round(Math.abs(tmpNum))
    tmpNum /= Math.pow(10,decimalNum);
    tmpNum *= iSign;                    // Readjust for sign
    // Create a string object to do our formatting on
    var tmpNumStr = new String(tmpNum);

    // See if we need to strip out the leading zero or not.
    if (!bolLeadingZero && num < 1 && num > -1 && num != 0)
        if (num > 0)
            tmpNumStr = tmpNumStr.substring(1,tmpNumStr.length);
            tmpNumStr = "-" + tmpNumStr.substring(2,tmpNumStr.length);
    // See if we need to put in the commas
    if (bolCommas && (num >= 1000 || num <= -1000)) {
        var iStart = tmpNumStr.indexOf(".");
        if (iStart < 0)
            iStart = tmpNumStr.length;

        iStart -= 3;
        while (iStart >= 1) {