日期:2010-01-16 浏览次数:20898 次
function Is_Int(a_str)
if not isnumeric(a_str) or len(str) > 5 then
Is_Int = false
exit function
elseif len(str) < 5 then
Is_Int = true
exit function
end if
if cint(left(a_str , 4)) > 3276 then
Is_Int = false
exit function
elseif cint(left(a_str , 4)) = 3276 and cint(right(a_str , 1)) > 7 then
Is_Int = false
exit function
Is_Int = true
exit function
end if
end function
function Is_Lng(a_str)
if not isnumeric(a_str) or len(str) > 10 then
Is_Lng = false
exit function
elseif len(str) < 10 then
Is_Lng = true
exit function
end if
if clng(left(a_str , 9)) > 214748367 then
Is_Lng = false
exit function
elseif clng(left(a_str , 9)) = 214748367 and clng(right(a_str , 1)) > 7 then
Is_Lng = false
exit function
Is_Lng = true
exit function
end if
end function