日期:2010-03-19 浏览次数:21224 次
<form action="">URL:<input name="url_" /><input type="submit" name="submit" value="查询" /></form>
If Request("url_")<>"" Then
SenFe_GetUrl Request("url_")
End If
Sub SenFe_GetUrl(sUrl)
Dim sContent, sDomian, oTempReg, I, oMatches, cMatch, sUrl_
sUrl = LCase(sUrl)
If Left(sUrl, 7)="http://" Then
sDomian = Mid(sUrl, 8)
sDomian = sUrl
sUrl = "http://" & Url
End If
If InStr(sDomian, "/") Then sDomian = Split(sDomian, "/")(0)
sContent = SenFe_GetData(sUrl)
Set oTempReg = New RegExp
With oTempReg
.IgnoreCase = True
.Global = True
.Pattern = "(http:(\/\/|\\\\)(([\w\/\\\+\-~`@:%])+\.)+([\w\/\\\.\=\?\+\-~`@\’:!%#]|(&)|&)+)"
Set oMatches = .Execute(sContent)
For Each cMatch In oMatches
sUrl_ = LCase(cMatch.Value)
If InStr(sUrl_, sDomian)=0 Then
Response.Write(sUrl_ & "<br />" & VbCrLf)
End If
End With
Set oTempReg = Nothing
End Sub
Function SenFe_GetData(sUrl)
Dim oXmlHttp : Set oXmlHttp = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP")
With oXmlHttp