日期:2010-06-14  浏览次数:21114 次



function tablebody(arr,cols,functionstr)

 dim allnum,i,j
 allnum = ubound(arr)
 for i = 0 to (allnum/cols)
  Response.write (VbTab &"<tr>" & VbNewLine)
  for j = 0 to (cols-1)
   ij = (i*cols+j)
   Response.write (VbTab & VbTab &"<td width="""& formatnumber(100/cols,0) &"%"">")
   if ij <= allnum then
    if len(functionstr) > 0 then
     execute(""& functionstr &"(arr(ij))")
     Response.write (arr(ij))
    end if
    Response.write (" ")
   end if
   Response.write ("</td>" & VbNewLine)
  Response.write (VbTab &"</tr>" & VbNewLine)
end function

function test1(str)
 Response.write ("<div align=""center"">"& str &"</div>")
end function

dim kk(9)
for k = 0 to 9
 kk(k) = k+1
<table border="1" width="600" cellpadding="2">
<%call tablebody(kk,1,"")%>

<table border="1" width="600" cellpadding="2">
<%call tablebody(kk,4,"test1")%>

<table border="1" width="600" cellpadding="2">
<%call tablebody(kk,5,"")%>
dim wwwstr,wwwarr
wwwstr = "51windows.Net|blueidea.com|google.com|yahoo.com|msn.com.cn|csdn.net|ipark.cn|1kg.cn"
wwwarr = split(wwwstr,"|")

function urltest1(str)
 Response.write ("<a href=""http://www."& str &""" target=""_blank"">"& str &"</a>")
end function

function urltest2(str)
 Response.write ("<button style=""width:100%;"" onclick=""window.open('http://www."& str &"','','')"">"& str &"</button>")
end function
<table border="1" width="480" cellpadding="2">
<%call tablebody(wwwarr,3,"urltest1")%>

<table border="2" width="480" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" >
<%call tablebody(wwwarr,4,"urltest2")%>