日期:2010-10-13 浏览次数:21166 次
Sub Session_onStart()
Referer = Trim(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER"))
If Referer = "" Then
Referer = "None"
End If
Session("Referer") = Referer
End Sub
Function isProduct(pStr)
If pStr <> "" And lCase(pStr) <> "none" Then
temp = inStrRev(pStr, "/")
tempStr = Right(pStr, temp)
temp2 = Len(pStr)
pStr = Mid(pStr, temp, temp2)
isProduct = pStr
isProduct = ""
End If
End Function
Function Finder(byRef prodList, byVal refList)
refList = lCase(refList)
' 通过指针循环查找匹配字段
For i = 0 To uBound(prodList) - 1
If inStr(refList, lCase(prodList(i, 0))) Then
tHolder = tHolder & "Are You looking For " _
& "" _
& prodList(i, 0) & "
End If
Finder = tHolderEnd Function
'如果指向头不为空,调出此功能If lCase(Session("Referer")) <> "none" OR Session("Referer") <> "" Then' 解析指向数据 Response.Write vbCrLf & "
" _ & Finder(pArray, URLDecode(isProduct(Session("Referer")))) _ & "
" & vbCrLf
End If