<% '判断文件名是否合法 Function isFilename(aFilename) Dim sErrorStr,iNameLength,i isFilename=TRUE sErrorStr=Array("/","\",":","*","?","""","<",">","|") iNameLength=Len(aFilename) If iNameLength<1 Or iNameLength=null Then isFilename=FALSE Else For i=0 To 8 If instr(aFilename,sErrorStr(i)) Then isFilename=FALSE End If Next End If End Function
'去掉字符串头尾的连续的回车和空格 function trimVBcrlf(str) trimVBcrlf=rtrimVBcrlf(ltrimVBcrlf(str)) end function
'去掉字符串开头的连续的回车和空格 function ltrimVBcrlf(str) dim pos,isBlankChar pos=1 isBlankChar=true while isBlankChar if mid(str,pos,1)=" " then pos=pos+1 elseif mid(str,pos,2)=VBcrlf then pos=pos+2 else isBlankChar=false end if wend ltrimVBcrlf=right(str,len(str)-pos+1) end function
'去掉字符串末尾的连续的回车和空格 function rtrimVBcrlf(str) dim pos,isBlankChar pos=len(str) isBlankChar=true while isBlankChar and pos>=2 if mid(str,pos,1)=" " then pos=pos-1 elseif mid(str,pos-1,2)=VBcrlf then pos=pos-2 else isBlankChar=false end if wend rtrimVBcrlf=rtrim(left(str,pos)) end function
'判断Email是否有效,返回1表示正确 Function isEmail(aEmail) Dim iLocat,v,iLength,i,checkletter If instr(aEmail,"@") = 0 Or instr(aEmail,".") = 0 Then isEmail=0 EXIT FUNCTION End If iLocat=instr(aEmail,"@") If instr(iLocat,aEmail,".")=0 Or instr(iLocat+1,aEmail,"@")>0 Then isEmail=0 EXIT FUNCTION End If If left(aEmail,1)="." Or right(aEmail,1)="." Or left(aEmail,1)="@" Or right(aEmail,1)="@" Then isEmail=0 EXIT FUNCTION End If v="1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_-.@" iLength=len(aEmail) For i=1 To iLength checkletter=mid(aEmail,i,1) If instr(v,checkletter)=0 Then isEmail=0 EXIT FUNCTION End If Next isEmail=1 End Function
'测试用:显示服务器信息 Sub showServer Dim name Response.write "<Table border=1 bordercolor=lightblue CELLSPACING=0>" for each name in request.servervariables Response.write "<tr>" Response.write "<td>"&name&"</td>" Response.write "<td>"&request.servervariables(name)&"<br></td>" Response.write "</tr>" next Response.write "</table>" End Sub
'测试用:显示Rs结果集以及字段名称 Sub showRs(rs) Dim strTable,whatever Response.write "<center><table><tr>" for each whatever in rs.fields response.write "<td><b>" & whatever.name & "</B></TD>" next strTable = "</tr><tr><td>"&rs.GetString(,,"</td><td>","</tr><tr><td>"," ") &"</td></tr></table></center>" Response.Write(strTable) End Sub
'用HTML格式显示文本 function HTMLEncode(fString) if not isnull(fString) then fString = replace(fString, ">", ">") fString = replace(fString, "<", "<")