To view a live demonstration of this forum, click View Demo. To create this forum on your server, you will need to create a Microsoft Access Database named discuss.mdb. You will also need to create a single table in this database named messages that has the following fields:
m_id -- An autonumber field m_email -- A text field m_subject -- A text field m_message -- A Memo field m_entrydate -- A Date/Time field with default value of NOW() m_numReplies -- A Number field with default value of 0 m_reply -- A Number field with default value of -1
IF addm <> "" THEN IF email = "" THEN showError "You did not enter your email address", "post.asp" END IF IF subject = "" THEN showError "You did not enter a subject for your message", "post.asp" END IF IF message = "" THEN showError "You did not enter a message", "post.asp" END IF IF INSTR( email, "." ) = 0 OR INSTR( email, "@" ) = 0 THEN showError "You did not enter a valid email address", "post.asp" END IF
readyDBCon Set RS = Server.CreateObject( "ADODB.Recordset" ) RS.ActiveConnection = Con RS.CursorType = adOpenStatic RS.LockType = adLockOptimistic RS.Open "SELECT * FROM messages WHERE 1<>1", Con RS.AddNew RS( "m_email" ) = email RS( "m_subject" ) = subject RS( "m_message" ) = message RS( "m_reply" ) = addm RS.Update RS.Close IF addm <> "-1" THEN Con.Execute "UPDATE messages SET m_numreplies = m_numreplies+1 WHERE m_id=" & addm END IF END IF %> <html> <head><title>frameset</title> <frameset rows="300,*"> <frame marginheight="3" marginwidth="5" frameborder="no" scrolling="yes" src="messagelist.asp? pg=<%=page%>"> <frame name="message" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="no" scrolling="auto" src="message.asp?id=<%=addm%>&pg=<%=page%>"> </frameset> </html>
''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Declare Global Variables ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' DIM Con
SUB readyDBCon IF Con = "" THEN Set Con = Server.CreateObject( "adodb.Connection" ) Con.Open "PROVIDER=MICROSOFT.JET.OLEDB.4.0;DATA SOURCE=" & dbPath END IF END SUB
FUNCTION showUser( theEmail ) whereA = INSTR( theEmail, "@" ) showUser = Server.HTMLEncode( LEFT( theEmail, whereA - 1 ) ) END FUNCTION