大家请看程序: <%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Web.Security" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Web.UI" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.SQL" %> <HTML><HEAD> <script runat="server" language="VB"> dim sqlRead as SQLDataReader dim intStart as integer dim intLen as integer dim intPageCount as integer dim intRecCount as integer Sub Page_Load(Src As Object, E As EventArgs) Dim conn As SQLConnection Dim Cfg as HashTable Dim sqlcmd As SQLCommand
Cfg = Context.GetConfig("appsettings") Conn = New SQLConnection(cfg("Conn"))
dim strSQL as string '实在是没有办法,只好这样来获得 记录总数了 '根据NGWS的帮助上看 似乎有个PagedDataSource 好象功能挺强大 '但是 就是 不知道 应该怎么使用 也没有见过 用他的例子 strSQL="select count(*) as ccount from msgBoard" sqlcmd = New SQLCommand(strSQL,conn) sqlcmd.ActiveConnection.Open() sqlcmd.execute(sqlRead) sqlRead.Read() intRecCount=cInt(sqlRead("ccount")) sqlcmd.ActiveConnection.Close() strSQL="select * from msgBoard order by msgid desc" sqlcmd = New SQLCommand(strSQL,conn) sqlcmd.ActiveConnection.Open() sqlcmd.execute(sqlRead)
if isNumeric(request.querystring("start")) then intStart=Cint(request.querystring("start")) '本页数据起使位置 else intStart=0 end if
intLen=10 '每页需要显示的数据数量 '以下计算 当前的 记录的分页页数 if (intRecCount mod intLen)=0 then intPageCount=intRecCount/intLen else intPageCount=(intRecCount-(intRecCount mod intLen))/intLen+1 end if dim i as integer '将得到的sqlRead向后移动 start 指定的 位置 for i=0 to intStart-1 sqlRead.read() next end sub sub WritePage(start as integer,file as string) '进行分页处理 dim strWrite as string strWrite="<table border=1 width=100%><tr><td>" response.write(strWrite)
if start=0 then strWrite="首页" else strWrite="<a href='" & file & "?start=0'>首页</a>" end if response.write(strWrite)
if start>=1 then strWrite="<a href='" & file & "?start=" & cStr(start-intLen) & "'>上页</a>" else strWrite="上页" end if response.write(strWrite)
if start+intLen<intRecCount then '还没有到最后一页数据 strWrite="<a href='" & file & "?start=" & cStr(start+intLen) & "'>下页</a>" else strWrite="下页" end if response.write(strWrite)
if start+intLen<intRecCount then '还没有到最后一页数据 strWrite="<a href='" & file & "?start=" & cStr((intPageCount-1)*intLen) & "'>末页</a>" else strWrite="末页" end if response.write(strWrite & "</td><td>")
strWrite="当前共有留言" & Cstr(intRecCount) & ",现在是第<font color=red>" & cStr((intStart/intLen)+1) & "/" & cstr(intPageCount) & "</font>页" response.write(strWrite) strWrite="</td></tr></table>" response.write(strWrite) end sub </script> <title>豆腐技术站__aspx分站__查看留言</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/doufu.css"> </HEAD> <BODY> <a href="http://www.asp888.net">豆腐技术站</a>亲情奉献<br> <% WritePage(intStart,"a.aspx") dim atEnd as boolean %> <% for i=0 to intLen-1%> <% atEnd=