日期:2011-02-02  浏览次数:21144 次

'Last Updated By Recon On 05/14/2001
'On Error Resume Next


SendMail "admin@ny.com", "iamchn@263.net", "Normal Mail!", "Please check the attatchment!", 2, 0, "C:\Love.txt"

Dim m_fso, m_tf
Dim m_strHTML

Set m_fso = Server.CreateObject("SCRIPTING.FILESYSTEMOBJECT")
Set m_tf = m_fso.OpenTextFile("C:\Mail.htm", 1)
m_strHTML = m_tf.ReadAll

'Write m_strHTML
Set m_tf = Nothing
Set m_fso = Nothing

SendMail "admin@ny.com", "iamchn@263.net", "HTML Mail!", m_strHTML, 2, 1, Null

'strFrom : 发件人Email
'strTo : 收件人Email
'strSubject : 信件主题
'strBody : 信件正文
'lngImportance : 信件重要性
' : 0 - 低重要性
' : 0 - 中等重要性(默认)
' : 0 - 高重要性
'lngAType : 信件格式
' : 为1时将邮件正文作为HTML(此时可以发送HTML邮件)
'strAttach : 附件的路径
Sub SendMail(strFrom, strTo, strSubject, strBody, lngImportance, lngAType, strAttach)
Dim objMail

Set objMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NEWMAIL")
With objMail

.From = strFrom
.To = strTo
.Subject = strSubject
.Body = strBody
.Importance = lngImportance

If lngAType = 1 Then
.BodyFormat = 0
.MailFormat = 0
End If

If IsEmpty(strAttach) = False And IsNull(strAttach) = False Then
.AttachFile strAttach
End If

End With
Set objMail = Nothing
End Sub