日期:2011-04-07  浏览次数:20994 次

 To assist in interfacing with databases. This script can format variables and return SQL formats.
Such as double quoting apposterphies and surrounding strings with quotes, Returning NULL for invalid data
types, trimming strings so they do not exceed maximum lengths. This also has some functions so that you
can open and close databases more conveiently with just one line of code. You can query a database and get
an Array as well with some code.

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    ' for :Common Database Routines
    Copyright (c) 1999 by Lewis Moten, All rights reserved.

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    ' Name: Common Database Routines
    ' Description:To assist in interfacing w
    '     ith databases. This script can format va
    '     riables and return SQL formats. Such as
    '     double quoting apposterphies and surroun
    '     ding strings with quotes, Returning NULL
    '     for invalid data types, trimming strings
    '     so they do not exceed maximum lengths. T
    '     his also has some functions so that you
    '     can open and close databases more convei
    '     ently with just one line of code. You ca
    '     n query a database and get an Array as w
    '     ell with some code.
    ' By: Lewis Moten
    ' Inputs:None
    ' Returns:None
    'Assumes:This script assumes that you at
    '     least have Microsoft ActiveX Data Object
    '     s 2.0 or Higher (ADODB). This script may
    '     get some getting used to at first until
    '     you go through and study what each routi
    '     ne can do.
    'Side Effects:None
    'code provided by Planet Source Code(tm)
    '     (www.Planet-Source-Code.com) 'as is', wi
    '     thout warranties as to performance, fitn
    '     ess, merchantability,and any other warra
    '     nty (whether expressed or implied).
    'Terms of Agreement:
    'By using this source code, you agree to
    '     the following terms...
    ' 1) You may use this source code in per