for i=0 to 4 a(i).innerhtml=show1(j-1+i) b(i).innerhtml=show2(j-1+i) c(i).innerhtml=show3(j-1+i) d(i).innerhtml=show4(j-1+i) next
if j>9 then j=0 settimeout "toplay",2000 end sub
function show1(num) if num=>10 then show1=arry1(num-10) else show1=arry1(num) end if end function
function show2(num) if num=>10 then show2=arry2(num-10) else show2=arry2(num) end if end function
function show3(num) if num=>10 then show3=arry3(num-10) else show3=arry3(num) end if end function
function show4(num) if num=>10 then show4=arry4(num-10) else show4=arry4(num) end if end function --> </script> <style> <!-- td { font-size:9pt } --> </style> </head>
<body >
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#FFCC66">证券名称</td> <td bgcolor="#FFCC66">成交</td> <td bgcolor="#FFCC66">开盘</td> <td bgcolor="#FFCC66">涨跌</td> </tr> <% for i=0 to 4 dim bg bg="F0EDE6" if i mod 2=0 then bg="D2E0F0" %> <tr> <td id="a" bgcolor=<%=bg%> align="right"></td> <td id="b" bgcolor=<%=bg%> align="right"></td> <td id="c" bgcolor=<%=bg%> align="right"></td> <td id="d" bgcolor=<%=bg%> align="right"></td> </tr> <%next%> </table>