dim conn set conn=server.CreateObject("adodb.connection") conn.Open "test","sa","" 'conn.Open Application("connstr")
dim rs,sql,filename,fs,myfile,x,link
Set fs = server.CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject") '--假设你想让生成的EXCEL文件做如下的存放 filename = "c:\online.xls" '--如果原来的EXCEL文件存在的话删除它 if fs.FileExists(filename) then fs.DeleteFile(filename) end if '--创建EXCEL文件 set myfile = fs.CreateTextFile(filename,true)
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") '--从数据库中把你想放到EXCEL中的数据查出来 sql = "select population,hourpos,datepos from populationperhour order by datepos,hourpos asc" rs.Open sql,conn if rs.EOF and rs.BOF then
dim strLine,responsestr strLine="" For each x in rs.fields strLine= strLine & x.name & chr(9) Next
'--将表的列名先写入EXCEL myfile.writeline strLine
Do while Not rs.EOF strLine=""
for each x in rs.Fields strLine= strLine & x.value & chr(9) next '--将表的数据写入EXCEL myfile.writeline strLine
rs.MoveNext loop
end if
rs.Close set rs = nothing conn.close set conn = nothing set myfile = nothing Set fs=Nothing
link="<A HREF=" & filename & ">Open The Excel File</a>" Response.write link end if %> </BODY> </HTML>
CREATE TABLE [populationperhour] ( [population] [int] NOT NULL , [hourpos] [int] NOT NULL , [datepos] [datetime] NOT NULL ); insert into populationperhour values('936','1','2001-1-11'); insert into populationperhour values('636','2','2001-1-11'); insert into populationperhour values('106','3','2001-1-11'); insert into populationperhour values('177','4','2001-1-11'); insert into populationperhour values('140','5','2001-1-11'); insert into populationperhour values('114','6','2001-1-11'); insert into populationperhour values('94','7','2001-1-11'); insert into populationperhour values('49','8','2001-1-11'); insert into populationperhour values('88','9','2001-1-11