日期:2011-07-08  浏览次数:21121 次

function DeleteFile(Filename) '删除文件
 if Filename<>"" then
  Set fso = server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  if fso.FileExists(Filename) then
   fso.DeleteFile Filename
  end if
  set fso = nothing
 end if
end function

function CreateDIR(byval LocalPath) '建立目录的程序,如果有多级目录,则一级一级的创建
 on error resume next
 LocalPath = replace(LocalPath,"\","/")
 set FileObject = server.createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 patharr = split(LocalPath,"/")
 path_level = ubound(patharr)
 for i = 0 to path_level
  if i=0 then pathtmp=patharr(0) & "/" else pathtmp = pathtmp & patharr(i) & "/"
  cpath = left(pathtmp,len(pathtmp)-1)
  if not FileObject.FolderExists(cpath) then FileObject.CreateFolder cpath
 set FileObject = nothing
 if err.number<>0 then
  CreateDIR = false
  CreateDIR = true
 end if
end function

function GenerateRandomFileName(byval szFilename) '根据原文件名生成新的随机文件名
 if month(now)<10 then c_month="0" & month(now) else c_month=month(now)
 if day(now)<10 then c_day="0" & day(now) else c_day=day(now) 
 if hour(now)<10 then c_hour="0" & hour(now) else c_hour=hour(now)
 if minute(now)<10 then c_minute="0" & minute(now) else c_minute=minute(now)
 if second(now)<10 then c_second="0" & second(now) else c_second=minute(now)
 GenerateRandomFileName = year(now)&c_month&c_day&c_hour&c_minute&c_second&"_"&ranNum&"."&fileExt
end function

function jaron_replacer(strContent,start_string,end_string,replace_string)
 jaron_replacer = replace(strContent,mid(strContent,instr(strContent,start_string),instr(strContent,end_string)+len(end_string)-1),replace_string)
end function

function replaceplus(strContent,start_string,end_string,replace_string) '文档中,将所有开始,结束之间的所有字符删除
on error resume next
MARKCOUNTS = ubound(split(strContent,start_string))
PRESTRING = strContent
for i=0 to MARKCOUNTS
if STARTMARK=0 then exit for
COMPMARK=instr(1,PRESTRING,end_string,1) + len(end_string)
PRESTRING = replace(PRESTRING,VerString,replace_string)
replaceplus = PRESTRING
if err.number<>0 then err.Clear
end function


strContent = replaceplus(strContent,"<OBJECT","</OBJECT>","")

这个命令可以把HTML代码中所有<object> .... </object>的标记全部删除。