日期:2011-09-03  浏览次数:20969 次

<!--#Include File="Statistics_Connection.asp"-->

If Session("AdminJack") <> "AdminJack" Then
Response.Redirect "Login.asp"
End If

Dim IDSet, argAction
Dim strSQLStatisticsOperation

IDSet = Replace(Request.Form("Check_ID"), "'", "")
argAction = Request.Form("HiddenAction")

Select Case argAction
Case "Delete" strSQLStatisticsOperation = _
"Delete From IPs " _
& "Where ID In (" & IDSet & ")"
Case "Pin" strSQLStatisticsOperation = _
"Update IPs " _
& "Set Pinned = True " _
& "Where Pinned = False And ID In (" & IDSet & ")"
Case "Unpin" strSQLStatisticsOperation = _
"Update IPs " _
& "Set Pinned = False " _
& "Where Pinned = True And ID In (" & IDSet & ")"
End Select

cnnStatistics.Execute strSQLStatisticsOperation

Call CloseDatabase

Response.Redirect "Index.asp"