日期:2011-09-14  浏览次数:21179 次

Class clsExport2Excel

Private strFilePath,strTitle,strSql,strField,strRows,strCols
Private strCn,strHtml,strPath
Private objDbCn,objRs
Private objXlsApp,objXlsWorkBook,objXlsWorkSheet
Private arrField

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
strCn = "driver={SQL Server};server=LIUHQ;UID=sa;PWD=sa;Database=MS"
set objDbCn = server.CreateObject("adodb.connection")
objDbCn.open strCn

strFilePath = ".\"
strTitle = "查询结果"
strRows = 2
strCols = 1
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()

End Sub

Public Property Let FilePath(value)
strFilePath = value
End Property

Public Property Get FilePath()
FilePath = strFilePath
End Property

Public Property Let Title(value)
strTitle = value
End Property

Public Property Get Title()
Title = strTitle
End Property

Public Property Let Sql(value)
strSql = value
End Property

Public Property Get Sql()
Sql = strSql
End Property

Public Property Let Field(value)
strField = value
End Property

Public Property Get Field()
Field = strField
End Property

Public Property Let Rows(value)
strRows = value
End Property

Public Property Get Rows()
Rows = strRows
End Property

Public Property Let Cols(value)
strCols = value
End Property

Public Property Get Cols()
Cols = strCols
End Property

Public Function export2Excel()
if strSql = "" or strField = "" then
response.write "参数设置错误,请与管理员联系!谢谢"
end if

if right(strFilePath,1) = "/" or right(strFilePath,1) = "\" then
strFilePath = left(strFilePath,len(strFilePath)-1)
end if
if instr("/",strFilePath) > 0 then
strFilePath = replace(strFilePath,"/","\")
end if
strFilePath = strFilePath & "\"

set objFso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
if objFso.FolderExists(server.mappath(strFilePath)) = False then
end if

strFileName = strFilePath & cstr(createFileName()) & ".xls"

set objRs = server.CreateObject("adodb.RecordSet")
objRs.open strSql,objDbCn,3,3
if objRs.recordcount <= 0 then
strHtml = "暂时没有任何合适的数据导出,如有疑问,请与管理员联系!抱歉"
set objXlsApp = server.CreateObject("Excel.Application")
objXlsApp.Visible = false

set objXlsWorkBook = objXlsApp.ActiveWorkBook
set objXlsWorkSheet = objXlsWorkBook.WorkSheets(1)

objXlsWorkSheet.Cells(1,1).Value = strTitle

arrField = split(strField,"||")
for f = 0 to Ubound(arrField)
objXlsWorkSheet.Cells(2,f+1).Value = arrField(f)

for c = 1 to objRs.recordcount
for f = 0 to objRs.fields.count - 1
if objRs.fields(f).name = "pm_field_41325" or objRs.fields(f).name = "cardID" then
objXlsWorkSheet.Cells(c+2,f+1).Value = "'" & objRs.fields(f).value
elseif objRs.fields(f).name = "JiuYe" then
select case objRs.fields(f).value
case 1
objXlsWorkSheet.Cells(c+2,f+1).Value = "是"
case 0
objXlsWorkSheet.Cells(c+2,f+1).Value = "否"
case -1
objXlsWorkSheet.Cells(c+2,f+1).Value = "(未知)"
end select
objXlsWorkSheet.Cells(c+2,f+1).Value = objRs.fields(f).value