日期:2011-09-17 浏览次数:20968 次
以下是函数源代码: <% Function Takeout(patrn,string1,colors) ’提取搜索关键字匹配文字 Dim regEx, Match, Matches, tt ’ 建立变量。 Set regEx = New RegExp ’ 建立正则表达式。 regEx.Pattern = patrn ’ 设置模式。 regEx.IgnoreCase = True ’ 设置是否区分大小写。 regEx.Global = True ’ 设置全局可用性。 Set Matches = regEx.Execute(string1) ’ 执行搜索。 For Each Match in Matches ’ 遍历 Matches 集合。 RetStr = RetStr & Match.Value & " " Next RetStr = trim(RetStr) if instr(RetStr," ")>0 then for tt = 0 to ubound(split(RetStr," ")) string1 = replace(string1,split(RetStr," ")(tt),"<font color="""&colors&""">"&split(RetStr," ")(tt)&"</font>") next else string1 = replace(string1,RetStr,"<font color="""&colors&""">"&RetStr&"</font>") end if Takeout = string1 End Function response.write Takeout("jOeKOe", "Joekoe乔客双语版","red") Function Highlight(strContent,keyword) ’标记高亮关键字 Dim RegEx Set RegEx=new RegExp RegEx.IgnoreCase =True ’不区分大小写 RegEx.Global=True Dim ArrayKeyword,i ArrayKeyword = Split(keyword," ")’用空格隔开的多关键字 For i=0 To Ubound(ArrayKeyword) RegEx.Pattern="("&ArrayKeyword(i)&")" strContent=RegEx.Replace(strContent,"<font color=red>$1</font>" ) Next Set RegEx=Nothing Highlight=strContent End Function response.write Highlight("Joekoe乔客双语版","jOeKOe") %> |