日期:2012-11-27  浏览次数:21014 次

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
' ASP Code will run on server and Make HTML Page
' Java Script will run on Client Side and Change the background color
' according to movement of Mouse
<SCRIPT ID=clientEventHandlersJS LANGUAGE=javascript>
function MakeColor(ThisColor) {
document.bgColor = ThisColor;
<table cellspacing=2 Border="0">
Dim I1, I2, I3                         ' Looping variables for RGB Color
For I1 = 0 to 15 step 3
For I2 = 0 to 15 step 3
For I3 = 0 to 15 step 3
Color = Hex(I1) & Hex(I1) & Hex(I2) & Hex(I2) & Hex(I3) & Hex(I3)%>
<td bgcolor="#<%=Color%>">
<a href="#" LANGUAGE=javascript OnMouseOver="return MakeColor('#<%=Color%>');">
<img src=http://www.163design.net/a/q/"clear.gif" width=10 height=10 border="0"></a>