日期:2012-11-28  浏览次数:21030 次

    ' Generic ASP Editor for Access Tables
    ' Version 1.01 - 9 November 1999
    ' ?Roman Koch
    ' =====================================================================
    ' Your customisations go here
    ' =====================================================================
    ' Enter the name of the system DSN
    Session("myDSN") = "MP3"
    ' Enter the name of the table you want to edit
    ' Note: For text fields, the "Allow Zero Length" attribute must be set to YES
    Session("myTable") = "Customer"

    ' Enter the name of the Primary Key field
    ' Note: The Primary Key MUST be a "Autonumber"-type field
    Session("myKey") = "CustomerID"
    ' =====================================================================
    ' End of the customisation section
    ' =====================================================================
    Dim objConn
    If isObject(Session("dsnDefined")) Then
        Set objConn = Session("dsnDefined")
        Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
        objConn.Open Session("myDSN")
        Set Session("dsnDefined") = objConn
    End If

    strMyOwnPath = Request.Servervariables("PATH_INFO")
    intStart = InstrRev(strMyOwnPath,"/",-1,1)
    strMyName = Mid(strMyOwnPath,intStart+1)
    Session("myName") = strMyName
    strAction = Request.Querystring("action")
    lngRecord = Request.Querystring("num")
    Select Case strAction
        Case "list" 'list all records
            Call editList()
        Case "update" 'Get the current record and display in a form for editing
            Call editUpdate(lngRecord)
        Case "updateExec" 'Save the changes
            Call editUpdateExec(lngRecord)
        Case "insert" 'Display an empty form for entering a new record
            Call editInsert()
        Case "insertExec" 'Save the new record
            Call editInsertExec()
        Case "delete" 'Display the current record so deletion can be confirmed
            Call editDelete(lngRecord)