日期:2012-12-10  浏览次数:21177 次



  Set bc = Server.CreateObject("MSWC.BrowserType")
<% if brname="IE" and cint(brver)>=4 then %>
<body bgcolor=white onload="doit()">
<script language=vbscript>
sub doit()
   document.write "Your screen width is : " & screen.width & " pixels<br>"
   document.write "Your screen height is : " & screen.height & " pixels<br>"
   document.write "Your clientWidth is : " & document.body.clientWidth
   document.write " pixels<br>"
   document.write "Your clientHeight is : " & document.body.clientHeight
   document.write " pixels<br>"
   ' add the rest of the of the page's
   ' IE4 html code here...using document.write like :
   document.write "<br><A HREF='blank.htm'>blank link</A>"
end sub
'any regular html code you put here
'will disappear after the document.writes
<% else %>

<body bgcolor=white>
<% response.write "You're using " & brname & ", version # " & cint(brver) & " with " %>

<% if brname="IE" and cint(brver)=3 then
   response.write "Pixels=" & pixels & ", colors=" & colors

' add the rest of the page's IE3 html code here...

<% end if %>

<% if brname="Netscape" and (cint(brver) > 1) then %>
<body bgcolor=white>
<Script Language="JavaScript">
   var tools=java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
   var size=tools.getScreenSize();
document.write("Screen size : " + w + " x " + h + " pixels.");
<% end if %>
' add other Netscape html code here...like :
<A HREF="blank.htm">blank link</A>
<% end if %>