日期:2013-01-20  浏览次数:20931 次

  Dim sl_gauge
  Set sl_gauge = new Slgauge
  sl_gauge.BgColor = "#FFFFFF"
  sl_gauge.FgColor = "#990000"
  sl_gauge.Width = 78
  sl_gauge.Height = 5
  sl_gauge.MinVal = 0
  sl_gauge.MaxVal = 100
  sl_gauge.CurVal = iTestScore  '87% in our example
<!-- Display the gauge -->
<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2>
     <td><% = sl_gauge.RenderHtml %></td>

' Handy class for displaying a horizontal percentage gauge.
class Slgauge
  ' Colors.
  public BgColor
  public FgColor

  ' Dimensions.
  public Width
  public Height

  ' Values.
  public MinVal
  public MaxVal
  public CurVal

  ' Render this into HTML as a table.
  function RenderHtml
      ' Normalize the properties.
      if MinVal > MaxVal then
          Dim temp_val
          temp_val = MinVal
          MinVal = MaxVal
          MaxVal = temp_val
      end if

      if CurVal < MinVal then
          CurVal = MinVal
      elseif CurVal > MaxVal then
          CurVal = MaxVal
      end if

      ' Figure out the percentage that the CurVal is
      ' within MinVal and MaxVal.
      Dim percentage_val
      percentage_val = (CurVal - MinVal) / (MaxVal - MinVal)

      ' Compute the first and second widths.
      Dim fg_width
      fg_width = Round(Width * percentage_val)
      Dim bg_width
      bg_width = Width - fg_width

      RenderHtml = "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=" & _
                   Width & " height=" & Height & ">" _
                   & "<tr>"
      if fg_width > 0 then
          RenderHtml = RenderHtml _
                      & "<td width=" & fg_width & " height=" & _
                      Height & " bgcolor=" & FgColor & _
                      "><img src=/demos/Images/" & _