日期:2013-02-08  浏览次数:20839 次


<!--- How can I time the execution speed of my ASP pages to the millisecond? --->

Doing this is easy with a simple server-side JavaScript function:

<script language=jscript runat=server>
function GetTime()
   var d = new Date();
   return d.getTime();

The getTime() method of the Date object in JScript returns the number of millisecond since Jan 1st, 1970. Therefore all you have to do it take a reading immediately before and after the process you are wanting to time. The following is an example, given that the above code it in GetTime.asp:

   Dim StartTime, EndTime

   StartTime = GetTime()
   ' Do some stuff here
   EndTime = GetTime()

   Response.Write "The process took: " & _
         Cstr(EndTime-StartTimes) & "ms to execute"

If you want to see your process time in a better format, use the FormatMilliseconds function (created for the above timing script by www.learnasp.com):

function FormatMilliseconds(intMilliseconds)
   var elapsedsecs = 0
   ar elapsedmins = 0



   elapsedpretty=elapsedmins + " minute";

   elapsedpretty = elapsedpretty+" " + elapsedsecs+" second";

   elapsedpretty = elapsedpretty+ " " +
          intMilliseconds+" millisecond";

   return elapsedpretty;