日期:2013-04-08  浏览次数:21019 次

'* ASP 101 Sample Code - http://www.asp101.com *
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' ***Begin Function Declaration***
' New and improved GetDaysInMonth implementation.
' Thanks to Florent Renucci for pointing out that I
' could easily use the same method I used for the
' revised GetWeekdayMonthStartsOn function.
Function GetDaysInMonth(iMonth, iYear)
Dim dTemp
dTemp = DateAdd("d", -1, DateSerial(iYear, iMonth + 1, 1))
GetDaysInMonth = Day(dTemp)
End Function

' Previous implementation on GetDaysInMonth
'Function GetDaysInMonth(iMonth, iYear)
' Select Case iMonth
' Case 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12
' GetDaysInMonth = 31
' Case 4, 6, 9, 11
' GetDaysInMonth = 30
' Case 2
' If IsDate("February 29, " & iYear) Then
' GetDaysInMonth = 29
' Else
' GetDaysInMonth = 28
' End If
' End Select
'End Function

Function GetWeekdayMonthStartsOn(dAnyDayInTheMonth)
Dim dTemp
dTemp = DateAdd("d", -(Day(dAnyDayInTheMonth) - 1), dAnyDayInTheMonth)
GetWeekdayMonthStartsOn = WeekDay(dTemp)
End Function

Function SubtractOneMonth(dDate)
SubtractOneMonth = DateAdd("m", -1, dDate)
End Function

Function AddOneMonth(dDate)
AddOneMonth = DateAdd("m", 1, dDate)
End Function
' ***End Function Declaration***

Dim dDate ' Date we're displaying calendar for
Dim iDIM ' Days In Month
Dim iDOW ' Day Of Week that month starts on
Dim iCurrent ' Variable we use to hold current day of month as we write table
Dim iPosition ' Variable we use to hold current position in table

' Get selected date. There are two ways to do this.
' First check if we were passed a full date in RQS("date").
' If so use it, if not look for seperate variables, putting them togeter into a date.
' Lastly check if the date is valid...if not use today
If IsDate(Request.QueryString("date")) Then
dDate = CDate(Request.QueryString("date"))
If IsDate(Request.QueryString("month") & "-" & Request.QueryString("day") & "-" &
Request.QueryString("year")) Then
dDate = CDate(Request.QueryString("month") & "-" & Request.QueryString("day") & "-"
& Request.QueryString("year"))
dDate = Date()
' The annoyingly bad solution for those of you running IIS3
If Len(Request.QueryString("month")) <> 0 Or Len(Request.QueryString("day")) <> 0 Or
Len(Request.QueryString("year")) <> 0 Or Len(Request.QueryString("date")) <> 0 Then
Response.Write "The date you picked was not a valid date. The calendar
was set to today's date.<BR><BR>"
End If
' The elegant solution for those of you running IIS4
'If Request.QueryString.Count <> 0 Then Response.Write "The date you picked was not
a valid date. The calendar was set to today's date.<BR><BR>"
End If
End If

'Now we've got the date. Now get Days in the choosen month and the day of the week it starts on.
iDIM = GetDaysInMonth(Month(dDate), Year(dDate))
iDOW = GetWeekdayMonthStartsOn(dDate)

<!-- Outer Table is