日期:2013-05-02  浏览次数:21117 次


if exists (select name from sysobjects where name = 'SPROCString')
drop proc SPROCString


@pTitle varchar(80)




Title = @pTitle
or @pTitle = '*'


' 05/02/98
' Added the following features:
' Tab Query String Parameter
' - This is the selected tab's tabArray index value.
' Page Expiry Time
' - The page will expire when downloaded by browser so that user is insured that all data
' will be current.
' DrillDown Tabs
' - Added in the session("tabArray") object to keep track of the drill down tabs.
' Search
' - Added javascript window.alert function call to indicate when text is not found in rpt view.
' Goto Page Text Box
' - Added textbox and filenew.gif so user can enter and request desired page number.
' NOTE: Netscape 2.0 browsers do not call the on submit event handler when the image is selected.
' Thus, the user will not be warned when incorrect data is entered into the goto page box.
' This problem does not happen when the user selects return.
Response.Expires = 0
' Viewer Tab images
drilld = "<img border=0 src='http://www.163design.net/viewer/images/toolbar/pdrilld.gif' alt = 'Parent Group'>"
drillu = "<img border=0 src='http://www.163design.net/viewer/images/toolbar/cdrillu.gif' alt = 'Current Group'>"
previewu = "<img border=0 src='http://www.163design.net/viewer/images/toolbar/pviewu.gif' alt = 'Preview'>"
previewd = "<img border=0 src='http://www.163design.net/viewer/images/toolbar/pviewd.gif' alt = 'Preview'>"
' Set the correct numbers on the paging buttons
brch = request.querystring("BRCH")
if brch <> "" then
brch = "&" & "brch=" & brch
basepage = "<a href=" & chr(34) & "javascript:parent.parent.location='rptserver.asp?init=html_frame&page=1'" & chr(34) & ">"

end if

getPageCommand = "rptserver.asp?cmd=toolbar%5Fpage&viewer=html%5Fframe&vfmt=html%5Fframe" & brch

searchFound = request.querystring("SEARCHFOUND")
if searchFound <> "" then
if Cint(searchFound) = 0 then
messageText = "onLoad = " & chr(34) & "window.alert('Text Not Found in the Report');" & chr(34)
end if
end if

CurrentPageNumber = CStr(session("CurrentPageNumber"))
lastknownpage = CStr(session("lastknownpage"))
LastPageNumber = CStr(session("LastPageNumber"))

if CurrentPageNumber = "" then
CurrentPageNumber = "1"
end if

if lastknownpage = "" then
lastknownpage = "0"
end if

if LastPageNumber <> "" and (CurrentPageNumber = LastPageNumber) then
lastknownpage = CurrentPageNumber
' remember the last known page
session("lastknownpage") = CurrentPageNumber
nextlink = ""
lastlink = ""
if CInt(CurrentPageNumber) > 1 then
previouspage = CInt(CurrentPageNumber) - 1
previouslink = "<a href=" & chr(34) & "javascript:parent.location='rptserver.asp?cmd=toolbar%5Fpage&viewer=html%5Fframe&vfmt=html%5Fframe&page=" & previouspage & brch & "'" & chr(34) & ">"
firstlink = "<a href=" & chr(34) & "javascript:parent.location='rptserver.asp?cmd=toolbar%5Fpage&viewer=html%5Fframe&vfmt=html%5Fframe&page=1" & brch & "'"