日期:2013-05-06  浏览次数:21045 次

<B>ASP Source Code:</B>
Dim objFSO, objInFile 'object variables for file access
Dim strIn, strTemp 'string variables for reading and color
Dim I 'standard loop control variable
Dim strASPFileName 'string containing filename of ASP file to view
Dim ProcessString 'flag determining whether or not to output each

' We don't start showing code till we find the start script comment
ProcessString = 0

' Get file name from query string
strASPFileName = Request.QueryString("file")

' Conditional limiting use of this file to current directory
If InStr(1, strASPFileName, "\", 1) Then strASPFileName = ""
If InStr(1, strASPFileName, "/", 1) Then strASPFileName = ""

' Set the default so it shows itself if nothing or an invalid
' path is passed in. Delete the following line to just display
' a message.
If strASPFileName = "" Then strASPFileName = "source.asp"

If strASPFileName <> "" Then
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objInFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("D:\Webs\asp101
\www\samples\" & strASPFileName)

Response.Write "<PRE>" & vbCRLF
' Loop Through Real File and Output Results to Browser
Do While Not objInFile.AtEndOfStream
strIn = Server.HTMLEncode(objInFile.ReadLine)
' Check for start script comment
If InStr(1, strIn, "<!-- BEGIN SCRIPT -->",
1) Then
ProcessString = 1
strIn = Server.HTMLEncode
End If
' Check for end script comment
If InStr(1, strIn, "<!-- END SCRIPT -->", 1)
Then ProcessString = 0
' If we're on a line to be processed then do so
If ProcessString = 1 Then
strTemp = ""
' Loop through line
For I = 1 to Len(strIn)
' First look for script openers
to start red
If InStr(I, strIn, "<%", 1) =
I Then
strTemp = strTemp
& "<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>" & Mid(strIn, I, 1)
' If no script openers
look for closers to end red
If InStr(I, strIn, "%
>", 1) = I Then
strTemp =
strTemp & "%></FONT>"
I = I + 4
' If neither
just copy to strTemp as is
strTemp =
strTemp & Mid(strIn, I, 1)
End If
End If
' Output out processed line
Response.Write strTemp & vbCRLF
End If
Response.Write "</PRE>" & vbCRLF

' Close file and free variables
Set objInFile = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
' If they entered no filename or one with a / or \ ... deny
Response.Write "Sorry, but you do not have access to view
files outside the current directory."
End If