日期:2013-06-03  浏览次数:21216 次

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0">
if Request.ServerVariables("http_method")="POST" and Request.Form("submit")<>"跳到" then
    set conn=server.CreateObject("adodb.connection")
    if Request.Form("submit")="加入" then
        strsql="select * from studentinfo where stid='" & strstid & "'"
        set mrs1=conn.Execute(strsql)
        if  not(mrs1.BOF and  mrs1.EOF) then
            Response.Write "该学号已经存在,请重新输入学生信息<br>"
            Response.Write "<a href=taddstudent.asp?page=" & request("page") & "&stname=" & strstname & "&stid=" & strstid & ">返回</a>"
        strsql="insert into studentinfo (stname,stid) values ('" & strstname & "','" & strstid & "')"
        end if
    end if
    if Request.Form("submit")="删除" then
        strsql="delete * from studentinfo where stid='" & strstid & "'"
        strsql="delete * from score where stid='" & strstid & "'"
    end if
    set conn=nothing
end if
<FORM action="taddstudent.asp" method=POST id=form1 name=form1>
<P><FONT face="幼圆" size=3 color=Crimson>学生信息</FONT><BR>
<FONT face="" size=3>姓名:
<INPUT id=stname name=stname value=<%=strstname%>></FONT><BR>
<FONT face="" size=3>学号: