日期:2013-06-13  浏览次数:20978 次

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0">
if Request.Form("submit")="更新投票结果" and Request.Form("psw")="zj" then
    if  Request.Form("selchap")<>"" then
        set fsys=server.CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
        for i=1 to 100
            if not fsys.FileExists(phypath & "/chapter" & i & ".html") then
                destfname="/chapter" & i & ".html"
                exit for
            end if
        if fsys.FileExists(phypath & "/new1/" & mfilename) then
            sourcename="/new1/" & mfilename
            fsys.CopyFile phypath & "/" & sourcename,phypath & "/" & destfname
        end if
    end if
    set mfile=fsys.OpenTextFile(phypath & "/story.txt",8,true)
    set mfile2=fsys.OpenTextFile(phypath & "/" & destfname,1,true)
    mfile.writeline "/project4_local" & destfname & "    " & "第" & i & "章:" & title & "(作者:" & author & ")"
    fsys.DeleteFile phypath & "/new1/*.*"
    set fsys=nothing
    set conn=server.CreateObject("adodb.connection")
    conn.Execute("delete * from tbvote")
    conn.Execute("delete * from tbcomment")
    set conn=nothing
    Response.Write "更新投票结果<br>"
    Response.Write "得票最多的新文章加入到新的一章中去了"
    Response.Write "<font size=4><strong>"
    Response.Write "注意:<br>只有管理者才能根据投票结果更新文章"