日期:2013-06-19  浏览次数:21049 次

'-------------------无垠网域:http://www.5inet.net/ ---------------------
'-------------------作者:嘻哈呵嘿 ,webmaster@5inet.net -----------------
'On Error Resume Next
'Set the content type to the specific type that you are sending.
'Response.ContentType = "IMAGE/JPEG"

sPath = Path
if left(lcase(path),7) <> "http://" then
end if
'Response.Write err.Description

sub LocalFile(Path)
    Response.Redirect Path
End Sub

Sub RemoteFile(sPath)
    FileName = GetFileName(sPath)
    FileName = Server.MapPath("/UploadFile/Cache/" & FileName)
    Set objFso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    'Response.Write fileName
    if objFso.FileExists(FileName) Then
        Response.Redirect "/uploadfile/cache/" & GetFileName(path)
    'Response.Write Path
    t = GetBody(Path)
    Response.BinaryWrite t
    SaveFile t,GetFileName(path)
    End if    
    Set objFso = Nothing
End Sub

Function GetBody(url)
'on error resume next
    'Response.Write url
    Set Retrieval = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
    With Retrieval
        .Open "Get", url, False, "", ""
        'GetBody = .ResponseText
        GetBody = .ResponseBody
    End With
    Set Retrieval = Nothing
'response.Write err.Description
End Function

Function GetFileName(str)
    str = Replace(lcase(str),"http://","")
    str = Replace(lcase(str),"//","/")