日期:2013-06-21  浏览次数:21584 次

    dim myfso,myread
    set myfso=createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    set myread=myfso.opentextfile(server.mappath("./new_list.asp"),1,0)
if myread.atendofstream then
    Response.Write "目前没有添加新闻"
      dim mytext,listarray
     listarray=split(mytext,"|") '#######把所有记录分割成一个数组a

     dim recordcount,pagecount, pagesize, pagenum
     pagecount=recordcount/pagesize  '#######取得页面数
     if instr(1,pagecount,".")=null or instr(1,pagecount,".")=0 then
     end if
      dim topage
    topage=cint(Request.QueryString ("topage"))  '########取得要显示的页面
    if topage<=0 then
    end if
    if topage>pagenum then
    end if
    dim i,j,n
   for i=0 to recordcount-1 '########把每一条记录组成一个数组
       if ubound(j)=6 then
       b(i)="<SPAN style='COLOR: #ffbd00; FONT-SIZE: 7px'><li></SPAN><span style='font-size:10pt'><a href='news_view.asp?id=" & j(0) & "' target=blank>" & j(1) & "(图)</a>   点击:" & j(4)&"次 最后发布时间:"&j(5)&"</span>"
       b(i)="<SPAN style='COLOR: #ffbd00; FONT-SIZE: 7px'><li></SPAN><span style='font-size:10pt'><a href='news_view.asp?id=" & j(0) & "' target=blank>" & j(1) & "</a>   点击:" & j(4)&"次 最后发布时间:"&j(5)&"</span>"
       end if
   dim c(100)
   for i=recordcount to 0 step -1
    dim currentrecord
      currentrecord=pagesize*(topage-1)+1 '#########显示每一页
    for k=1 to pagesize
        if len(c(currentrecord))=0 then
        exit for
        end if