日期:2013-12-23  浏览次数:21028 次

  运行环境:IIS脚本语言:VBScript数据库:Access/SQL Server数据库语言:SQL 1.概要:



IDNameTelSchool1张 三33333333电子科技大学计算机系2李 四44444444四川大学生物系3王 二22222222西南交通大学建筑系…………

采用枚举法的源程序如下:<%@ CODEPAGE = "936" %>'连接数据库<%dim conn  dim DBOathdim rsdim sql  Set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")  DBPath = Server.MapPath("addressbook.mdb")  conn.Open "driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};dbq=" & DBPathSet rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")'从Web页获取姓名、电话、学校的值dim Namedim Teldim SchoolName=request("Name")Tel=request("Tel")School=request("School")'枚举法的搜索核心,因为有3个条件所以要写8组If判断语句  if trim(Name)="" and trim(Tel)="" and trim(School)="" then     sql="select * from address order by ID asc"  end if  if trim(Name)="" and trim(Tel)="" and trim(School)<>"" then     sql="select * from address where School like '%"&trim(School)&"%' order by ID asc"  end if  if trim(Name)="" and trim(Tel)<>"" and trim(School)="" then     sql="select * from address where Tel like '%"&trim(Tel)&"%' order by ID asc"  end if  if trim(Name)="" and trim(Tel)<>"" and trim(School)<>"" then     sql="select * from address where Tel like '%"&trim(Tel)&"%' and School like '%"&trim(School)&"%' order by ID asc"  end if  if trim(Name)<>"" and trim(Tel)="" and trim(School)="" then     sql="select * from address where Name like '%"&trim(Name)&"%' order by ID asc"  end if  if trim(Name)<>"" and trim(Tel)="" and trim(School)<>"" then     sql="select * from address where Name like '%"&trim(Name)&"%' and School like '%"&trim(School)&"%' order by ID asc"  end if  if trim(Name)<>"" and trim(Tel)<>"" and trim(School)="" then     sql="select * from address where Name like '%"&trim(Name)&"%' and Tel like '%"&trim(Tel)&"%' order by ID asc"  end if  if trim(Name)<>"" and trim(Tel)<>"" and trim(School)<>"" then     sql="select * from address where Name like '%"&trim(Name)&"%' and Tel like '%"&trim(Tel)&"%' and School like '%"&trim(School)&"%' order by ID asc"  end ifrs.open sql,conn,1,1'显示搜索结果if rs.eof and rs.bof then            response.write "目前通讯录中没有记录"else   do while not rs.eof      response.write "姓名:"&rs("Name")&"电话:"&rs("Tel")&"学校:"&rs("School")&"<br>"      rs.movenext   loopend if'断开数据库set rs=nothing           conn.close        set conn=nothing%>

