日期:2014-03-02  浏览次数:20897 次


   Option Explicit
   Private RCommands As Recordset
   Private RCustomers As Recordset
   Private RCust As Recordset
   Private sCustListCommand As String
   Private Const dataURL = "http://localhost/XHTTPRequest/getData.asp"
   Private arrCustomerIDs() As String
   Private Enum ActionEnum
  End Enum

  Private Sub dgCustomers_Click()
   Dim CustomerID As String
   CustomerID = RCustomers("CustomerID").Value
   If CustomerID <> "" Then
    If optAction(VIEW_HISTORY).Value Then
     Call getCustomerDetail(CustomerID)
     Call getRecentProduct(CustomerID)
    End If
   End If
  End Sub

  Private Sub Form_Load()
   Call initialize
   Call getCustomerList
  End Sub

  Sub initialize()
   ' 从数据库返回命令名和相应的值

   Dim sXML As String
   Dim vRet As Variant
   Dim F As Field
   sXML = "<?xml version=""1.0""?>"
   sXML = sXML & "<command><commandtext>Initialize</commandtext>"
   sXML = sXML & "<returnsdata>True</returnsdata>"
   sXML = sXML & "</command>"
   Set RCommands = getRecordset(sXML)
   Do While Not RCommands.EOF
    For Each F In RCommands.Fields
     Debug.Print F.Name & "=" & F.Value
  End Sub

  Function getCommandXML(command_name As String) As String
   RCommands.Find "command_name='" & command_name & "'", , adSearchForward, 1
   If RCommands.EOF Then
    MsgBox "Cannot find any command associated with the name '" & command_name & "'."
    Exit Function
    getCommandXML = RCommands("command_xml")
   End If
  End Function

  Sub getRecentProduct(CustomerID As String)
   Dim sXML As String
   Dim xml As DOMDocument
   Dim N As IXMLDOMNode
   Dim productName As String
   sXML = getCommandXML("RecentPurchaseByCustomerID")
   Set xml = New DOMDocument
   xml.loadXML sXML
   Set N = xml.selectSingleNode("command/param[name='CustomerID']/value")
   N.Text = CustomerID
   Set xml = executeSPWithReturn(xml.xml)
   productName = xml.selectSingleNode("values/ProductName").Text
   ' 显示text域
   txtResult.Text = ""
   Me.txtResult.Visible = True
   dgResult.Visible = False
   ' 显示product名
   txtResult.Text = "最近的产品是: " & productName
  End Sub

  Sub getCustomerList()
   Dim sXML As String
   Dim i As Integer
   Dim s As String
   sXML = getCommandXML("getCustomerList")
   Set RCustomers = getRecordset(sXML)
   Set dgCustomers.DataSource = RCustomers
  End Sub

  Sub getCustomerDetail(CustomerID As String)
   ' 找出列表中相关联的ID号
   Dim sXML As String
   Dim R As Recordset
   Dim F As Field
   Dim s As String
   Dim N As IXMLDOMNode
   Dim xml As DOMDocument
   sXML = getCommandXML("CustOrderHist")
   Set xml = New DOMDocument
   xml.loadXML sXML
   Set N = xml.selectSingleNode("command/param[name='CustomerID']/value")
   N.Text = CustomerID
   Set R = getRecordset(xml.xml)
   ' 隐藏 text , 因为它是一个记录集
   txtResult.Visible = False

   dgResult.Visible = True
   Set dgResult.DataSource = R
  End Sub

  Function getRecordset(sXML As String) As Recordset
   Dim R As Recordset
   Dim xml As DOMDocument
   Set xml = getData(sXML)
    Debug.Print TypeName(xml)
   On Error Resume Next
   Set R = New Recordset
   R.Open xml
   If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    MsgBox Err.Description
    Exit Function
    Set getRecordset = R
   End If
  End Function