日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20874 次
url = "http://www.gxcaipiao.com.cn/noticequery_noticeQuery.action?period=2013116&lotterycode=12"
Set oDoc = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument")
With oDoc
.async = False
.validateOnParse = False
.preserveWhiteSpace = False
.resolveExternals = False
.load url
If .parseError.errorCode <> 0 Then
sErrMsg = .parseError.errorCode & "
" &_
.parseError.srcText & "
" & .parseError.reason
Set oDoc = Nothing
Response.Write sErrMsg
End If
End With
Set oRoot = oDoc.documentElement
If oRoot.getAttribute("errcode")<>"0000" Then
Response.Write sErrMsg
End If
Set oLot = oRoot.selectSingleNode("lottery")
perdid = oLot.getAttribute("perdid")
lottname = oLot.getAttribute("lottname")
awardcode = oLot.getAttribute("awardcode")
awarddate = oLot.getAttribute("awarddate")
s = "名称:" & lottname & " " &_
"期数:" & perdid & " " &_
"开奖号码:" & awardcode & " " &_
"开奖日期:" & awarddate & "<br>"
Set oNodes = oLot.selectNodes("//level")
For i = 0 To oNodes.length-1
s = s & oNodes(i).getAttribute("name") & " " &_
oNodes(i).getAttribute("localcount") & " " &_
oNodes(i).getAttribute("money") & "<br>"
Set oNodes = oLot.selectSingleNode("//pool[@index=1]")
s = s & "销售金额:" & oLot.getAttribute("localsale") & " " &_
"中奖金额:" & oLot.getAttribute("localaward") & " "