日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20784 次
for i=1 to day(dateserial(year(now),month(now)+1,1)-1)
if weekday(cdate(year(now)&"-"&month(now)&"-"& i))=1 then
reponse.write year(now)&"-"&month(now)&"-"& i & " " &"周一"&"<br>"
elseif weekday(cdate(year(now)&"-"&month(now)&"-"& i))=4 then
reponse.write year(now)&"-"&month(now)&"-"& i & " " &"周四""&"<br>"
end if
Public Function DaysInMonth(ByVal y, ByVal m)
Select Case m
Case 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12
d = 31
Case 4, 6, 9, 11
d = 30
Case 2
If y / 400 = 0 Or (y / 4 = 0 And y / 100 <> 0) Then
d = 29
d = 28
End If
End Select
DaysInMonth = d
End Function
For i = 1 To DaysInMonth(2013, 5)
If WeekDay("2013-5-" & i, 2) = 1 Then Response.Write "2013-5-" & i & " 星期一" & "<br>"
If WeekDay("2013-5-" & i, 2) = 4 Then Response.Write "2013-5-" & i & " 星期四" & "<br>"
2013-5-2 星期四
2013-5-6 星期一
2013-5-9 星期四
2013-5-13 星期一
2013-5-16 星期四
2013-5-20 星期一
2013-5-23 星期四
2013-5-27 星期一
2013-5-30 星期四