ASP + VbScript + SQLserver
请教一下问题: 如果SQL命令太长,应该如何解决?
select CAST(0 AS BIT),SPACE(18) as 身份证号码,
B.dep_mess as 部门名称,
C.dep_code as 部门编码,
L.employeeid as 职员编码,
M.name as 职员姓名,
N.sex as 性别,
O.id_number as 身份证号,
P.user_name as 制单人姓名,
Q.user_name as 审核人姓名,
R.user_name as 鉴定人姓名,
S.user_name as 公司审核人
FROM ZhaGongGongShi A
LEFT JOIN department B ON A.depid=B.dep_id
LEFT JOIN department C ON A.depid=C.dep_id
LEFT JOIN employee L ON A.zhiyuanid=L.id
LEFT JOIN employee M ON A.zhiyuanid=M.id
LEFT JOIN employee N ON A.zhiyuanid=N.id
LEFT JOIN employee O ON A.zhiyuanid=O.id
LEFT JOIN user_password P ON A.zhidanid=P.user_id
LEFT JOIN user_password Q ON A.shengheid=Q.user_id
LEFT JOIN user_password R ON A.jiandingid=R.user_id
LEFT JOIN user_password S ON A.shengheid1=S.user_id
WHERE (shengheid1 is not null and pizhuengid is null and Gongshi_ty <> '来料不良损失' and Gongshi_ty <> '停工待料补贴' ) or
(shengheid1 is not null and pizhuengid is null and Gongshi_ty = '来料不良损失' and jiandingid is not null ) or
(shengheid1 is not null and pizhuengid is null and Gongshi_ty = '停工待料补贴' and jiandingid is not null )
order by A.id
------解决方案--------------------可以用连接字符 sql="select * "&_
"from table "&_
" where id=1"